Extensions    7.5 Clippings Extension: Breakout Game Note: This is not really a Clippings Extension egg but it is needed to activate it. ------------------ If you type secret about box in Stickies, or any program that has drag and drop capabilities, and drag it to the desktop you will find yourself playing a secret breakout game with credits. Each time you play the names will switch. (System 7.5 only, not 7.5.1) 7.5.1 Breakout Game Copy Trick (All non-PCI Macs) System 7.5 Update: Danook Note: This may have been taken out in System 7.5.3 ------------------ Okay, I said there was no way to get that about box from 7.5 into 7.5.1. Well, I finally found a way. Actually somebody else did. It is a bit confusing but if you follow these directions closely you should be able to play that lovely breakout game right from a desk accessory. Here's how: First, copy a small DA such as the Calculator and rename it "Secret About Box." Next, use ResEdit to open both the System File and the Secret About Box desk accessory. Now copy the contents of the timd resource ID 12 in the System File into the DRVR resource ID 12 of the desk accessory. To do this, double click the timd resource icon in the System Files and select resource ID 12. Then choose Open Using Hex Editor from the Resource menu. Next choose select all from the Edit menu followed by Copy. Now double-click the driver resource ID 12, and choose Open Using Hex Editor from the Resource menu. Choose select all, followed by paste. Save your changes in the DA and Quit ResEdit. You now have your own Secret About Box desk accessory. By William S. Peters in the November '95 issue of MacWorld. Page 146. Or... All you need to do is drag the "System 7.5 Update" file out of the System Folder and restart. You are now running under System 7.5. 7.5.2 Apple Headquarters (Current PCI Macs Only) ------------------ System 7.5.2: Marconi (named after Guglielmo Marconi, 19th century Italian engineer) From: Ronald Bruck (bruck@mtha.usc.edu) and James Renken Note: This is not really a Clippings Extension egg but it is needed to activate it. Important Note: I have had mixed answers about this easter egg's existence in System 7.5.3. I believe it is there, but do not get too depressed if it was removed. ------------------ On any PCI Power Mac, if you type secret about box (no capitals) in a text application that supports drag and drop, and drag the text to the desktop, you will see a picture of the Apple headquarters and a flag in the foreground, with the logo "iguana iguana powersurgius". By moving the mouse around you control the direction the waves. In fact, you can make it break off, fluttering toward the ground and off the screen. The best way to get the flag to come off is to "whip" it back and forth (by moving the mouse up and down, at the right of the screen) and at just the right level of violence it breaks off.   Using the codes given below there is an easy way to make the flag come off. If you show the mouse coordinates (holding down W....), set the mouse to '0,0' and let the flag stop waving. Then pull the mouse quickly to the right and then move it up and down very rapidly. Once the flag is off, you can control the direction of drift with the mouse. The text which scrolls by says "Watch out for low-flying iguanas" and credits follow. You do not need QuickDraw 3D. I recently saw this easter egg for the first time. Even though I have read many letters describing it, what I saw was incredible and beyond what I ever imagined. If you don't own a PCI Mac you may want to check it out at a computer store next time you are there. Changing Iquanas: If you wait long enough, the picture on the flag will change to a picture of the development team. There's More!: If you drag the text "secret about box" into desktop while holding these keys, you get different results (push the key after you start dragging the text): •If you hold p, you will see a picture of the design team, with an iguana in their laps, on the flag. However, I am told by Rafi Goldberg that in System 7.5.3 holding down p will produce the MacOS picture. •If you hold q, you will see a pink flag and blank background with a message that quickTime must be installed to see images. (do not need QuickTime to see image) • If you hold down w, you get a dialog in the upper left hand corner displaying the coordinates of the mouse. •If you hold down t, you get a dialog showing the frames per second, which changes while the flag is waving. •Holding down the the s key will eliminate the credits. From: Rafi Goldberg (RafiMG@aol.com) And then there are the combinations: •If you hold down w and t while dragging secret about box to the desktop, you will see the normal iguana picture with a display in the upper left corner showing the cursor position and the frames per second of the flag movie. •If you hold p,w,and t you see the same thing except with the picture of the programmers on the flag. •Holding q,w, and t gives the same thing except with the purple quicktime flag. Thanks to David Creech (d-creech@uiuc.edu) for help with these!   Apple Modem Tool The Apple Modem Tool can be accessed in the connection settings window by selecting it under Method. In order to access this window you need to have some sort of terminal modem program (like Z-Term or Claris Works) that will give you access to it. The easter egg involves the version number, (no surprise) which is in the Port section of the window, on the right hand side, across from "Hand Shake". Just click on it. People, young and old, don't try this at home. It is not worth the trouble.   Assistant Toolbox From: Evan Klinger (Evan 715@aol.com) Turn on Balloon Help and drag your cursor over Assistant Toolbox. It will display nothing but two scroll arrows. This is thought to be a mistake, but I think differently. All I know about Assistant Toolbox is that it used with the PowerBook extension Auto Remounter. It gets even more puzzling... If you crack open the extension with ResEdit, you will see a 'KINI' resource. Open that up and take a look at IDs 2, 51, and 111 who have the names "Sleep", "Cram" and "KeepTalking" respectively. Opening up "Cram" you will see this smacked in the middle of code: "NuCafe Development: Kevin, Testing Queen: Maxine, Bad Dog: Kaz Mr. Later: Keith, Script Mastery: Cheryl, Instabuild: Mark, Mr. Patoey: Tim, Mr. Product: Ron, Write Stuff: Kristy, Perry Malos: Jeff, Real SCSI: James".   QuickDraw 3D QuickDraw 3D Code Name: Escher From: John M. Sully (jms20@po.CWRU.Edu) Turn on Balloon Help and place the cursor on the QuickDraw 3D extension. At the bottom of the help balloon you should see the message "Flatland no more. Come and follow us into the Third Dimension".   QuickDraw GX Code Name: El Kabong, Sarano, Skia From: Charles Wiltgen (cwiltgen@mcs.com) Dragging the icon of the QuickDraw GX extension over to the desktop printer will print a list of credits of the development team for the extension. I recommend looking at the preview instead of printing it to save time, paper, and ink. Select a GX desktop printer, hold down Shift-Option-Command and choose "Open" from the File menu. It gives you a very cool, simple demo of GX's geometry capabilities. With the N-Up printing extension installed, go to the N-Up panel (in the  print dialog or in the dialog under the DTP printing menu) and select "1 page per sheet" while holding down the Option key... ...or in the print dialog of any GDGX savvy application (try SimpleText), click on the "More choices" button at the lower left, if there isn't a list of plug-in modules to the left. Now, option- click on the one called "n-up print" and instead of the dogcow showing the page layout there is a small rectangle of credits. Note: You must have more than one printing extension installed. The credits displayed are... QuickDraw GX 1.1 by: Alex Brad Dan Dave H. Dave O. Grant Jan John Katheryn Luke Mike Rob Ron F. Ron V. Avi Drissman (ad406@detroit.freenet.org) [http://www.science.wayne.edu/~adrissmn/]   QuickTime Code Name: QuickTime 1.5 was Dali and Project Warhol The development name for QuickTime was Project Warhol thus a pre-release version, known as the 'warhol' init, had the icon of a Campbell's soup can. In MoviePlayer go to "About QuickTime..." and watch the credits scroll by. There is some interesting stuff slipped in, including a credit to Andy Warhol (guess why?). Balloon help the icon to see "Time N. A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future." Hold down Command-Option-Q-T at startup. You see either a picture of the QuickTime team (versions 1.0-1.6.2) or a movie with team pictures, names, and a music track (versions 2.0, 2.1). Note: The music may or may not play, depending on how much memory QuickTime can get at that point in the boot process. From: Jonathan Cooper ThreadsLib Extension From: Patrick Dekker (PDekker@rullf2.MedFac.LeidenUniv.NL) Open the ThreadsLib extension (System 7.5 and up) with a text reader. The following text is locating near the end of all of the jibberish. The Thread Manager is integrated in to System 7.5 and used for Multi-tasking. It is used only with Power PCs because they are the only Macs that handle libraries. This text is also in the System file. Text Shown: The Thread Manager for 68k & PowerPC THE CAST: Engineers: Eric & Brad Qualifiers: BK, RT Initial Concept: DH Debugger: ML Underpaid Process Dude: DF Animal Handlers: CK, LB Parents: Mom & Dad Sisters: KMA, SJP, JRA Domestic Partner: Amy Potato Latke Chef: Tam Bomber Squadron Ldr: DB City Builder: MF The Flake: JH Sekret About Box Critic: JR Beermeisters: DR, MB Slackers: SH, BT, CL, NS, JY Hardware First Aid: SM Special Thanks To: ERJ, KGB, Bear, DL, DB and everyone who believes! Dedicated to our fathers: Eugene Anderson Frank Post